Join the Korp Academy
Membership of the Korp Academy is only open for a short period in March, July and November in order to start new members at the same time. The cost of joining is £30 per month however you have been specially given this secret link so you can join up at the lower price of £25 per month and still enjoy all the same benefits.
You can join the Korp Academy here or through Kofi. There are several benefits of joining here including...
Are you ready?
Tap the button below, add your email address and payment details. You will be sent an email asking you to set a password for the members area which will give you instant access to all the content. Full membership is £25 per month and will be automatically collected from your bank for hassle free payments that can be easily cancelled at any time.
In the members area you will find blog style pages that list all the workshops and links for joining the live sessions. You will also find links to the WhatsApp groups and discount codes. If you have any questions feel free to email me on [email protected] or via Ko-fi.
One last thing, if you’re joining from Ko-Fi don't forget to cancel your subscription.
One last thing, if you’re joining from Ko-Fi don't forget to cancel your subscription.