The Margeworm paste ups were so popular at Upfest I decided to run a t-shirt campaign. The catch is I need to sell 20 t-shirts before the 9th September in order to go to print. If I don't sell 20 then everyone gets a refund.
What are you waiting for, support the campaign here. I worked with 2 great friends this year in Winniemmay and Process. Despite the wind we had a great time painting a large board at Ashton Gate Stadium. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture and the only one I can find is just a detail shot of my section. I did have fun with the paste ups as well and unlike my main board there are a tonne of photos of Margeworm on the internet. Here are some favourites I've stolen. If you like the Margeworm piece you can buy the t-shirt at my shop. Just be aware there is a catch, if I sell 20 before the 9th September we go to print. If not its refunds all round.
For three weekends in a row I hosted the Undercroft Paint Jam at my art studio in Peterborough. It was invitation only event with the great and good turning up to paint on the big wall in my studio. Massive thanks to all the artists that came to paint, I owe you all including Chris for the amazing photos. Also thanks to Snacks by AJ, Mama Korp and Mrs Korp for sorting out food for everyone. Finally you volunteers and technicians, I really appreciate you all coming to help out and making it such a great few weekends. All photos courtesy of Chris Rowell. Weekend 1Weekend 1 saw That Bloke Wilson and Jason Duckmanton tackle some 4ft square boards and Pigeon La Rue working on some smaller pieces. We also had Lee Mason on virtual reality sculpting while Process and Cur5 tackled the big wall. Weekend 2First we had Guts come over to paint on the Friday and then for Weekend 2 we were invaded from artists from outside of Peterborough with Id-iom, Bunny and Curtis Creationz coming from London, Decay from Bristol and Nol from Holland painting alongside Peterboroughs finest Nyces and new boy Mr Steels. Weekend 3The last weekend of paint jams and we had Nyces and Cur5 back with Quiet British Accent, Winniemmay, Arran Macphail and Trudy Dean. If you want to see more photos from the paint jams visit the Flickr page of Chris Rowell. Here are just a few of my favourite photos.
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024