This week in the Korp Academy we've been learning to draw like Rik Catlow. My favourite lesson this week was the live Doodle Club where we used a pencil to add a little shade to our pen work. Get access to the Rik Catlow drawing tutorials and many more on my Kofi page.
It’s official! I will be painting at Southend City Jam this weekend. Huge thanks to EKTO and STER for doing such a great job organising
Its a brand new week and a brand new term of the Korp Academy. This week we are learning to draw like one of my favourite doodle artists, Elise Gravel. Expect lots of nice simple doodles that will leave you wanting to develop them more and more. In the online Korp Academy we have 2 live sessions today (Tuesday) with Doodle Club and Posca Club. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I will release the second Posca Club drawing tutorial video for you and on Thursday a further 2 more drawing tutorials (Doodle Club and Colour Club). Although I usually do Colour Club live, this week it will be pre-recorded as I will be at the preview event for an exhibition I'm in. If you are not familiar with the clubs let me quickly recap for you. Doodle Club is entry level and accessible doodling where we just use black pens on white paper. Posca Club is where we turn up the skill level a little and draw with paint-markers. Finally Colour Club is probably the most advanced lesson where we use alcohol markers and learn to blend and colour. The final online lesson of the week is the 8 O'clock Club which is my late night drawing session for adults only. This week I'm very happy to say that KDVM will be running the session. In my face to face workshops I'm back at the Cosy Club in Stamford on Wednesday morning. This is another session for adults only but is free to attend. There is no structure just come along and doodle with me. I only get involved if you need a little inspiration to kickstart you.
Also back this week is the Doodle with Ozee sessions in my studio in Hampton, Peterborough. Suitable for all ages and abilities, book online here. |
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024