I got a little Arts Council funding which has allowed me time and resources to develop my creativity. Most recently I completed this portrait with the help of Irony. Not my usual style by a long shot but a very interesting and enjoyable process with practical experience using priority lines and a scribble grid.
Urban portraits are back, if you are interested in getting a one layer stencil of you or a loved one then get in touch. Here is an example of what you will get.
This large Robin Williams stencil portrait has just come back from the framers after having some non-reflective glass added to it. You can now see a lot of the detail much easier which if you look very closely includes hundreds of tiny Blackworms to make up the shadows and some large ones either side of his face. The Thom Yorke stencils are back. I originally cut these years ago when I was first starting out as a stencil artist but after buying some vintage song sheets I decided to cut it again.
In 2013 I was invited down to Southsea for Head Jam. Check out the video.
Want more? There is a nice little write up from Strong Island and some great photos from Simon Rutter. and Matt Maber.
Held at Little Johnny Russells in Southsea back in 2010, this was a small paint jam where I collaborated with My Dog Sighs one last time (mainly so we could use up all the paint we bought for Upfest). Back in the day I used to do the stencils.
These photos are from Matt Maber. Find him on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Instagram and Behance. If anyone has any more photos from this event that I can share please get in touch. Quickly following on from the previous Korpworm give-away is another great opportunity to get some free art. All you have to do to enter is go to my Facebook page and hit like on the picture...of course sharing is appreciated but not essential. This piece is a multi layer stencil originally cut for the Paper Bag Art Project run by My Dog Sighs back in 2008 but the stencil lasted well so I was able to get a couple of sprays out of it. This is my really early work for anyone interested in getting hold of some retro Korp.
It also features a little nudity. Not the best editing ever but this timelapse from my Youtube channel is from one of my favourite portraits. It was my early stencil work so not much more than just intricate cuts rather than adding anything of my own style. Still very pleased with it and really love the way PluraBella comes out of the darkness. Back in the day I used to cut portraits, these are some of my favourites... Scroll to the bottom for a time-lapse video of a korptrait being painted and a link to more. If you would like to commission a portrait for Christmas get in touch now. The best collection of my urban portraits can be found on Flickr.
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024