Ever feel like you have a collection of masks you wear to help you get through the day?
This new limited edition print is available to pre-order now. 50% of the proceeds will go towards the Skate-Aid charity. Had a great time at Bring The Paint 2019 pasting up over 100 Korpworm posters. Huge thanks to Izzy and the gang for organising such a great festival. Bring The Paint T-Shirt CampaignI loved the poster so much I decided to put it on a t-shirt. You can pre-order your own t-shirt before 30th June for just £16.99, after that the price goes up to £21.99.
Today is the last chance to pre-order one of my brand new t-shirt designs for £14.99 before they go back up to the regular price of £20. Here are a couple of mock ups of what the t-shirts will look like. Just framed and titled "Lonely" but not in a bad way. Sometimes a bit of time to yourself is exactly what you need. Become a patron to get a 38% discount on this artwork but be quick before it sells.
Quickly following on from the previous Korpworm give-away is another great opportunity to get some free art. All you have to do to enter is go to my Facebook page and hit like on the picture...of course sharing is appreciated but not essential. This piece is a multi layer stencil originally cut for the Paper Bag Art Project run by My Dog Sighs back in 2008 but the stencil lasted well so I was able to get a couple of sprays out of it. This is my really early work for anyone interested in getting hold of some retro Korp.
It also features a little nudity. Head over to my Facebook page to get a chance to win these two loved up Korpworms. Originally one single piece of art these two worms have but cut in two and framed. Something I do with a lot of my work but don't always tell.
How about getting all your holiday shopping done early this year and then leaning back and enjoying the rest of the festive season? We have tees, cases, totes, pillows and much more, so you'll easily find something nice for your friends, family and everyone else. And with our coupon code RBHOLIDAY15 you'll also save 15% off everything. Happy gift-hunting!
For two days only Red Bubble are offering a 15% discount on my t-shirt. The tee features one of my favourite socialist quotes "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" which I think also fits well with the Free Art Friday movement I've been a part of for so long. Unlike Free Art Friday you'll need to pay for this gem but with 15% off you could have this delivered to you door for a shade over £19. Don't miss out! Click here and use the code RBTEES15 before it runs out. |
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024