Street art superstar My Dog Sighs was visiting Peterborough as part of his book tour and asked me if I knew anywhere he could come and paint. I had just the right location in mind so we took a wet day out urbexing just outside of Peterborough.
Photos by ViPhotography. Somehow me and a few friends were invited to paint a little street art in Peterborough City Centre as part of the Peterborough Unlocked event. The event was held over two weekends but unfortunately I couldn’t attend the second one as I was struck down with a mild case of COVID but we had a few new and familiar names step in.
During May I've been working with Youth Inspired to provide free art workshops and tutorial videos for young people from my hometown. I'm very pleased to say that I'll be working with them again in a few weeks to deliver more art workshops every Thursday so if you are a young person from Peterborough over 12 just email [email protected] and ask them to book you in for the Korp workshop. Its free so whats to lose? As part of last months gig I needed to provide some tutorial videos no longer than 5 minutes in duration. I was keen not to timelapse anything so my challenge was could I doodle something interesting in less than 5 minutes and this is what I came up with. Let me know how you get on.
Huge thanks to everyone involved in Korpfest.
​ The artists for donating their time and talent and producing such diverse and, in many cases, thought provoking art. All you visitors for showing up in big numbers and especially those that supported the artists by buying their artwork. It means a lot. All the bloggers, photographers and videographers for sharing content. It really helps spread the word and grow the event. The sponsors, Eastern Angles, Paper Cloud and Nathan Jones Decorating for giving me the tools, support and creative freedom to pull the event together. My biggest thank you, however, goes to the crew. Nathan, Harriet, Hayley and dinnerlady Nicola. I couldn't do this without you. Hope you all enjoyed yourself. Catch you sometime next year at Korpfest 3. These awesome photos are by VIPHOTOGRAPHY.
Interested in sponsoring Korpfest 3? Get in touch.
As part of Korpfest2.1 we had Ink Imaginarium working from a Korp flash sheet with fantastic results.
The Ikea tunnel between Hampton and Stanground is the main legal paint spot in Peterborough and up until recently I had never painted there. Glad to finally get up in Peterborough with this little stencil piece.
Its been too long since I've been to Battle Lines but I couldn't miss this one with two of my favourite artists battling it out at the new Resist Vegan kitchen restaurant inside the Key Theatre. The battle didn't disappoint with Si taking an early lead and covering most of his board within an hour, Chunxx came back strong though adding lots of detail and some very nice white on black. The eventual winner, decided by the crowd, was Si Mitchell who's freaky faces stole the show. Check out all the photos here and give the artists an Instagram follow by clicking the buttons at the end of the blog. Battle Lines is back on the last Friday of March at a location to be announced. The family of Brian John Taylor have allowed me to add a twist to the event that fits with their ethos of ensuring all the artwork goes to a loving home. As a result the show is titled "For What Its Worth" and will be an opportunity for you to name your own price for each piece of artwork.
The preview night will be on the 1st December at 7pm and the first people through the door will get an envelope with details of how to name your own price. The earlier you arrive, the better the envelope. There will be over 50 pieces on display and you will only be able to name your own price on the preview night. Email me to be added to the guest list. It was the 1 year anniversary of Battle Lines so organiser Cur5 put on a special show featuring 10 artists. I was on a team of 5 battling against another 5 artists in a two hour live art show. Check out what we did. Ably supported by Team Korp
Here is a recent commissioned mural at The Ostrich in Peterborough. If you haven't heard of the place it has quickly turned into a hub for street artists with regular exhibitions and art battles. I was very pleased to take a couple of walls and create Korps corner. The lyrics on the wall are from a band that has played at The Ostrich called The Malingerers. I chose this song because it has such a powerful first verse. As I was finishing off the uber talented Pigeon La Rue was in setting up her solo show and what an amazing combination her framed pieces and my wall made together. If you like what you see you can find more on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or better still sign up for my newsletter for news, views and discounts.
For three weekends in a row I hosted the Undercroft Paint Jam at my art studio in Peterborough. It was invitation only event with the great and good turning up to paint on the big wall in my studio. Massive thanks to all the artists that came to paint, I owe you all including Chris for the amazing photos. Also thanks to Snacks by AJ, Mama Korp and Mrs Korp for sorting out food for everyone. Finally you volunteers and technicians, I really appreciate you all coming to help out and making it such a great few weekends. All photos courtesy of Chris Rowell. Weekend 1Weekend 1 saw That Bloke Wilson and Jason Duckmanton tackle some 4ft square boards and Pigeon La Rue working on some smaller pieces. We also had Lee Mason on virtual reality sculpting while Process and Cur5 tackled the big wall. Weekend 2First we had Guts come over to paint on the Friday and then for Weekend 2 we were invaded from artists from outside of Peterborough with Id-iom, Bunny and Curtis Creationz coming from London, Decay from Bristol and Nol from Holland painting alongside Peterboroughs finest Nyces and new boy Mr Steels. Weekend 3The last weekend of paint jams and we had Nyces and Cur5 back with Quiet British Accent, Winniemmay, Arran Macphail and Trudy Dean. If you want to see more photos from the paint jams visit the Flickr page of Chris Rowell. Here are just a few of my favourite photos.
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024