Huge thanks to everyone involved in Korpfest.
​ The artists for donating their time and talent and producing such diverse and, in many cases, thought provoking art. All you visitors for showing up in big numbers and especially those that supported the artists by buying their artwork. It means a lot. All the bloggers, photographers and videographers for sharing content. It really helps spread the word and grow the event. The sponsors, Eastern Angles, Paper Cloud and Nathan Jones Decorating for giving me the tools, support and creative freedom to pull the event together. My biggest thank you, however, goes to the crew. Nathan, Harriet, Hayley and dinnerlady Nicola. I couldn't do this without you. Hope you all enjoyed yourself. Catch you sometime next year at Korpfest 3. These awesome photos are by VIPHOTOGRAPHY.
Interested in sponsoring Korpfest 3? Get in touch.
As part of Korpfest2.1 we had Ink Imaginarium working from a Korp flash sheet with fantastic results.
Huge thanks to everyone that came to the preview event for the For What Its Worth show. This was the first exhibition I've hosted at my studio so to sell almost half of the work on the opening night was nothing short of remarkable. Here are some photos of the night taken by the Studio 4 official photographer Chewy Rowell. I cant thank the family of Brian John Taylor enough for trusting me with his work. I hope he would have liked seeing it displayed and sold in this format. The show will run to the end of the year, open days are every Friday 10am to 3pm or you can visit by appointment.
The exhibition took place directly opposite my studio as you can see from the photos below. The family of Brian John Taylor have allowed me to add a twist to the event that fits with their ethos of ensuring all the artwork goes to a loving home. As a result the show is titled "For What Its Worth" and will be an opportunity for you to name your own price for each piece of artwork.
The preview night will be on the 1st December at 7pm and the first people through the door will get an envelope with details of how to name your own price. The earlier you arrive, the better the envelope. There will be over 50 pieces on display and you will only be able to name your own price on the preview night. Email me to be added to the guest list. If you fancy learning a little about urban art come along to one of my winter workshops where we will be doodling, cutting, spraying, pasting and, of course, knitting.
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024