Happy, Sad, Anxious, Mad is designed to be rotated to fit your mood for the day. It's a reminder that we can be all of these things and thats ok. Find out more here.
I've just finished my first piece of work for 2022. Its a lyric from a Linkin Park song called Waiting For The End. I see it as quite an uplifting piece about being patient and knowing things will change. There was a second piece being created alongside it with further lyrics but it didn't work out so I'm just sharing the one for now. This is also worm 22-100 which means I'll only be drawing 100 worms this year as I try and channel new ideas and techniques. Disappointingly the colour of the worm has come out blue in the photo but it is Emerald and Aqua Green in real life. I'm busy working on some digital stuff and Korpfest so things will be quiet for a while. See you soon.
It's a double art drop this Friday at 9pm BST. To mark the ever changing global currency environment I have created some digital artwork to be sold for 1 Tez and some real world art on US dollar bills to be sold at $100. As crypto currencies soar and use of paper money diminishes I wonder when 1 tez will be worth more than $100. 1 year? 5 years? Dollar Bill Art DropAs the demand for paper currency diminishes I'm more often than not looking at bank notes as a canvas. I like the idea of increasing the face value of the note through creating artwork on it. Upcycling it visually and and upgrading it financially as a way of sticking 2 fingers up at the banks. These dollar bills will be listed at 100 times the face value on Friday at 9pm (between £70-£75+P&P) The blue one! The violet one! The red one! NFT Art DropThis piece has been specially created to be sold on the Hic Et Nunc platform. It shows an army of Korpworms living within the iconic logo of Hic Et Nunc. This is the third in the series of brown paper posters mimicking the style of my real world paste ups. 20 have been minted with 10 being released at 1 Tez each. If digital art and NFT ownership is your thing why not give my new Foundation.app profile a follow where I'll soon be listing artwork to be sold for ETH.
I'm still enjoying going on Twitch every week and the community is growing. Using it as experimental time rather than just drawing a standard Korpworm is also starting to pay dividends with lots of new ideas coming out. In the last couple of weeks I've draw a few drippy characters which I'm really fond of. Let me know what you think. Each stream is about 2 hours long but if you are short of time I have squeezed it all into these 3 minute videos. Don't forget to subscribe while you are on YouTube.
I'll be back on Wednesday at 8pm if you want to join in and chat. Click on the button below.
Members of the Korp Academy ran a Secret Santa style Easter thing where everyone drew something and sent it on. Some unlucky bugger got these from me.
This months prompt for the Posca Artist of the Year competition is ANIMAL. Rather than be predictable and just draw a worm I decided to draw a worm in a bear suit.
Last week a year since the first lockdown was marked with a Day of Reflection. On the whole I've made the most of lockdown by launching the Korp Academy but I remember how I felt back then when everything was at risk. I produced this piece to show my feelings.
Not everyone is into a 2 hour live stream so here are my last two Twitch streams shortened to 3 minutes. Find me on Twitch every Wednesday at 8pm. I originally created this piece as a way of playing with the new deep Posca colours to see if there were any new colour combos worth using but I quickly fell in love with the vibrancy. I dont often use a lot of different colours so this is quite a unique piece.
At the moment I'm a big fan of drawing on cardboard and using colours to bring in the background logo. You can see it in action here on some MTN packaging. Colours are from the Posca deep range. Check out my Twitch stream while it lasts to see how this piece was created.
KorpHead of cutting out and colouring in at Korporate Industries. Categories
May 2024